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Data, Technology and Recruitment Workshop

On Thursday 28th April 2022 we hosted a workshop focused on Data, Technology and Recruitment as part of the Association of Sporting Directors Global Programme. This is the final session of the season. Below is the slides, additional content and recording from the session.

“Incorporating Technology into effective High Performance Workflows” Ed Sulley & Tom Goodall, HUDL


Using technology to empower athlete performance” Mel O’Connor, OKKULO

This presentation will include a case study examining the impact of Vision Performance on elite level athletes.

Learn more about OKKULO here.

‘The football performance data swamp – Can Artificial Intelligence help make sense of it all?’  Rich BuchananZone7


“Team building through analytics” Tim Keech – Co-founder, MRKT Insights

The presentation will look at how analytics is used in recruitment, from the use of basic free resources to implementing new technology.


Please find the recording below which you can access with the usual password:



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